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Secure HTTP specification

Dean Jagels writes:
>Where can I find the latest S-HTTP proposal?  I checked internic.  They
>don't appear to have a copy.
>If this is in a FAQ, I'd frankly prefer a pointer to that.

I don't know if this is in a FAQ or not, but...

The latest version (though another is in the works) of the Secure
HTTP specification can be fetched via:

  WWW: http://www.commerce.net/information/standards/drafts/shttp.txt
  Email: shttp-info@commerce.net (Automatic response)
  Anonymous FTP: ftp.commerce.net/pub/standards/drafts/shttp.txt

The reason that it's not on internic is that it hasn't been
submitted as an Internet-Draft or RFC yet. However, we intend
to submit it to the RFC Editor "Real Soon Now". (hence the RFC style
formatting and the RFC XXXX header lines).

Hope this helps,


Eric Rescorla               DoD #431               ekr@eit.com
                    Confusion and Diffusion